
genuinely forgot i have summer classes for college 
          	but it’s okay just check my due dates and assignments and they aren’t that bad and spaced out for when they r due


hi love ty for voting for living as emmeline ur so appreciated <3


@Feelinggxx okay wait i can work w that ty!!


@myleewrites ooooh a groupchat name , idk either first thing that came mind was “the seals and their amazing sister” 


@Feelinggxx u get me!! is there anything that comes to mind for a name for their group chat? thats honestly what im most stuck on


Hi! Seems like you get around a lot haha! I just wanted to say thanks for your support on my 1st book, you are the first! I left a shoutout to you on my description, I thought that might be a nice way of saying my thanks. I'm just happy to see at least one person on board with me for this shaky ride lol! I am most definitely writing WAY too much, but there's no way all this can explain how grateful I am to you. If I ever stop writing, please report me missing! (JK LOL) Also, I have a REALLY good recommendation for you, I can't remember the name right now, I'll be right back...


New update: Their stories are dark and traumatizing. They will leave you with insomnia and a mild sense of disappointment in yourself. You will definitely wake up in the middle of the night to ask yourself "Why?". That being said, the story is intricate and tangled, but also extremely emotional, leaving you breathless. Also its mature, but that's to be expected.


Oh here it is: DRK_Stories: their books are good and they update pretty regularly!