
Hello everyone! It's been a PHAT minute since I last posted a chapter or even did anything other than read fanfiction on this app. But now that school is over over I should have more time to write, right?
          	I currently have a new job that is giving me LOTS of hours, about 25-30 hours a week so I've been quite tired. But it's all about the moneymoneymoney. It's literally the only thing keeping me going. 
          	Having said that, I've decided to try to publish my stories. However, I haven't picked which one. I've been writing many chapters for various of stories in intervals. To which I have decided that two stories will be best. Since the situation of my job, it won't have consistent updates as much as I want them to. 
          	So please! Pick 2 stories you would like to see developed and published. All of them are in my works or under the COMING SOON category in my bio. They also have teasers included if you want a little more information on them. 
          	Thank you! I hope to write for you soon:)


Hello everyone! It's been a PHAT minute since I last posted a chapter or even did anything other than read fanfiction on this app. But now that school is over over I should have more time to write, right?
          I currently have a new job that is giving me LOTS of hours, about 25-30 hours a week so I've been quite tired. But it's all about the moneymoneymoney. It's literally the only thing keeping me going. 
          Having said that, I've decided to try to publish my stories. However, I haven't picked which one. I've been writing many chapters for various of stories in intervals. To which I have decided that two stories will be best. Since the situation of my job, it won't have consistent updates as much as I want them to. 
          So please! Pick 2 stories you would like to see developed and published. All of them are in my works or under the COMING SOON category in my bio. They also have teasers included if you want a little more information on them. 
          Thank you! I hope to write for you soon:)


when you read an x reader do you prefer third person or second person? i'm contemplating what would flow better with an upcoming story


Second person view for me~ we'll be waitiiing ^^


I’m just ITCHING to write. Yet there’s things I need to finish. This noggin is growing old, always moving onto new ideas. 
          Losing interest in anime was the worst thing I’ve done but I can’t get back into it. 
          Any anime recommendations? Also, If I released a BTS fanfiction, would you read it? 


@FabulousCakeMaster I'm not sure what you've watched, but some of my favorites are My Hero Academia, Blue Exorcist, Absolute Duo, Seven Deadly Sins, Akame ga Kill, and there's more if you want any more?


          I just wanted to as if there was a specific that "Not a memory" was discontinued.
          A potatoe
          p.s I love your stories♡


Aha, people are still interested in that? Well, I lost inspiration for it awhile ago after changing up my writing style. I was very unhappy with how it was and the story trailed off. 
            p.s. thank you for your support:)