
          	Im not sure who is still reading but I have already updated 4 chapters of my new story Allegra’s Vendetta. Could someone please check it out and let me know what they think? It would help me out tremendously :)
          	Thank you 


          Im not sure who is still reading but for those of you who are interested I will release a new story that I have been writing for a while now on 6/9. 
          As far as C.I goes I have lost inspiration. I thought I could salvage it but don’t have it within me. I apologize to those who were invested. I will leave it up for a little while longer but will eventually take it down. 
          (LOL I had to rewrite this message because I forgot to hit the announce to my followers) 
          Im looking forward to hearing your opinions :)


Is anyone even still reading? Is there even a point to me updating? It's frustrating getting no feedback I feel like no one cares


@Polarbear111111 Thank you!!!!! Ill check out your book :)


Its like my book Diary Of Marina


@ExplicitSilence YOUR BOOK IS AMAZING AF ! Just read it ♥️


Hi i was just wondering if you were rewritting your book "Cruel Intentions" and if so why?


@CamrynCharlton oh ok i was just wondering. Thats understandable 


@CamrynCharlton yes I am because it went in a weird direction. I felt as though there was no real plot line so thats why


I don't know if anyone is reading this but if you're still following Cruel Intentions I just wanted to let you know I unpublished every chapter and am currently rewriting them. The edited versions of chapter 1 and 2 are currently up if you haven't read them already. I know I am a big pain in the bum for not posting for a while and now am starting over but I felt it was necessary, let me know what you think!!! ~ xoxo