
this message may be offensive
idk if anyone will read this or if anyone will care, but I'm going to delete this account very soon. It was a very nice time writing on here. I hope some of you could enjoy my stories at least a bit even though my writing is shit. 


@rivaereriren Sorry for taking so long but this shows how less I'm on wattpad. I know you want to be nice but no one can tell me that they enjoyed my story. Not when I myself can't do it, sorry. That's why I want to delete my acc. I'm not a writer. All the stories I wrote are awful regarding my writing style, maybe the plot is only half as bad idk. Anyway, I don't want to see my stories anymore, I don't wanna read any comments to my fic anymore even if they are so nice! I feel like I need to do this. But thanks for caring, I'll give you some days to read my reply I guess and then my account most likely will be gone. I'd have really liked to continue reading IFFTS but well.....


Oiii,  estou começando a escrever uma fanfic e gostava que desse uma olhadela se o gênero yaoi lhe agrada!  É Ereri (Eren X Levi). 
          Pode sempre ir ao meu perfil encontrar a historia,  se não conseguir encontra la na "pesquisa" E para ter a certeza de que é a certa. 
          O nome da historia é: 
          Attack on Meurtre
          Obrigado pelo seu tempo.  ❤


this message may be offensive
idk if anyone will read this or if anyone will care, but I'm going to delete this account very soon. It was a very nice time writing on here. I hope some of you could enjoy my stories at least a bit even though my writing is shit. 


@rivaereriren Sorry for taking so long but this shows how less I'm on wattpad. I know you want to be nice but no one can tell me that they enjoyed my story. Not when I myself can't do it, sorry. That's why I want to delete my acc. I'm not a writer. All the stories I wrote are awful regarding my writing style, maybe the plot is only half as bad idk. Anyway, I don't want to see my stories anymore, I don't wanna read any comments to my fic anymore even if they are so nice! I feel like I need to do this. But thanks for caring, I'll give you some days to read my reply I guess and then my account most likely will be gone. I'd have really liked to continue reading IFFTS but well.....




I'm good. I'm in school.


@LeviHeichoAckerman Unfortunately, I'm really busy atm :/ Hbu?