
Hey followers, I've decided to start posting my writing more regularly. I'm really interested in writing and I hope I'm good at it haha. Feel free to comment on my books and stuff. I'm working on a couple now which I'll post when they're finished, cause I know how frustrating it is to start reading unfinished books so I'll post it all at once :D


Omg you're the most amazing person in the whole world! I don't even know why would you read and vote on the crap I write 


@talk_about_akward_14 Heehee that's okay :D Thanks for reading, voting and commenting on mine too!!


Omg thank you so much


Hey followers, I've decided to start posting my writing more regularly. I'm really interested in writing and I hope I'm good at it haha. Feel free to comment on my books and stuff. I'm working on a couple now which I'll post when they're finished, cause I know how frustrating it is to start reading unfinished books so I'll post it all at once :D