Hello fellow users! I am EmberAniya(Briana). I absolutely love horror movies and animals! Weird mix? Yes, I know. Right now my main book I am writing currently is called Warehouse Kids. This book will have another book I am thinking about doing followed after it, but the book itself will be 24 Chapters. Currently One and 1/2 Chapters are finished and coming along great. ^.^ If you have any ideas for me to right a story just leave a comment please. For now, I will leave upcoming books and a sample of warehouse kids!
Upcoming Releases:
Warehouse Kids
The Oujii Board
Chain mail
The Neighbors Next Door
Hell Fire
Tattered Wings
Charm Casters
Steps on Mars
Area 51
Don't Turn Off the Lights
The Substitute Teacher

Cole huddled in the back of his room. Something about him wasn’t quite right. Was it just the fact that he was just about sweating through his gray sweat jacket, or was it something more? He wrapped his arms around his knees and began to rock back and forth. The boy made a small choking sound as he began to cry and dig his head under his arms. I can’t do this, he thought to himself.
It’s time.
Cole jerked up as he heard a deep voice in the back of his mind, even though it was probably just his mind playing tricks on him; he answered like whatever just spoke to him was sitting right in front of him. “What do you want?” He said as he shrugged more into the corner of his room. His green eyes wide, looking like he was just about in a trance.
You know what want! I want out.
“Just leave me alone! Mom! Dad!” He called out; it was only just that time when he remembered that they weren’t home. He was all alone.
Let me out!
A loud ringing filled the room as his shelves started shaking, his bed shaking as well, his posters ripping off the ceiling and wall, and his door shutting and closing at a rapid pace.
“Get out of my head!” Cole screamed as he slammed his hands over his ears. The ringing only got louder and louder. “Shut up. Shut up
  • Another World
  • JoinedSeptember 28, 2012


Stories by EmberAniya
WAREHOUSE KIDS[In The Works] by EmberAniya
When an 'accident' occurs in a small town, the truth behind it comes into focus. It seems to be that whenever...
ranking #5 in kidz See all rankings