
Just added The Story of Bamidele to THE CARTOGRAPHER'S DAUGHTER. It's a very short one, so stay tuned for an installment tomorrow...


Sorry to my followers if you just got blitzed with a half-dozen new posts - by popular request and sage advice, I split my long chapters into shorter posts. Let me know if this is a more Wattpad-friendly arrangement, and vote on the "new"/old pieces if you like! Thanks so much for the support and advice.


I'm so excited to have a growing critique group of such talented writers! Today I checked out stories by @SarahPerlmutter, @EmilyFRussell, @wizzobravo, @kaijuviper and @Dionysiaca, and fell in love with them all! I can't wait to catch up on works by others in this great group: @OneStoryteller, @Alexmgrove, and @KevinGebhard. So little time and so much to read! 
          And if you're following and want to join us, feel free to check out the YA Adventure Critique Group thread in Adventure (though we're not exclusive to any of those categories). 
          In other news, my ranking in Science Fiction continues in the 100s! I'm so excited and a little puzzled, since I feel like I'm more of an adventure writer and a bit of a SciFi hack. But I'm glad you guys accept me anyway :) Thanks for reading!


Congrats on your wonderful rankings Emily!


Thank you for including me in your catch-up list.