
Lmao god ive literally forgotten abt this account. update on what's happening in our lives:  Eliza and I are in high school  (woo) unfortunately we go to different schools now. Eliza is still doing cast and while i havnt been to any of her shows yet ive been rlly busy im sure shes doing amazing. I on the other hand have stopped cast and opted for crew which i start soon. idk if she made another account or not but yea! hope people are doing well 
          	- Peggy 


Lmao god ive literally forgotten abt this account. update on what's happening in our lives:  Eliza and I are in high school  (woo) unfortunately we go to different schools now. Eliza is still doing cast and while i havnt been to any of her shows yet ive been rlly busy im sure shes doing amazing. I on the other hand have stopped cast and opted for crew which i start soon. idk if she made another account or not but yea! hope people are doing well 
          - Peggy 


I’m having writers block and I can’t come up with any new ideas for story’s.
          I want to be a little more creative meaning writing more things other than Hamilton.
          Does anyone have any ideas? 
          I can write for broadway, Harry Potter, Hunger games, or anything really. 


Do y’all just ever have a really big crush on a dead fictional French character with really perfect hair from a musical who is like 200 years older than you?
          Coughs in Les Miserables 


Are we all thinking of the same person who the Actor is on Broadway and like you cry of this certain character being dead because they were to hot to die?