
So... In the midst of my crazy Junior year, I lost the rest of My Dangerous Secrets that was typed up  with the rest of my files that was on a very special flash drive. However, I still have it written. I plan to hopefully write a new story or modify My Dangerous Secrets a bit. Which ever ideas come first. School is hectic and definitely the reason I haven't been very active.


So... In the midst of my crazy Junior year, I lost the rest of My Dangerous Secrets that was typed up  with the rest of my files that was on a very special flash drive. However, I still have it written. I plan to hopefully write a new story or modify My Dangerous Secrets a bit. Which ever ideas come first. School is hectic and definitely the reason I haven't been very active.


I am so, so, so, so, so, SO SORRY. Life has definitely kicked me in the butt this year, and I wasn't sure how to respond. Howeverrrr, it is summer, once again, and when I'm on the road on my many, many road trips, I will be writing. If I'm not writing, I'll be visiting colleges or on dates (hopefully; *crosses fingers*). PLEASE stay and touch, I'll try my best to with my Facebook page and on here (I have a new phone and I'm not sure how to work it yet). I will also start up the puns of the day if I can! I love you all, I'll update soon (many-a-days- will be spent at the library this summer!)


So, I pretty much have the rest of "My Dangerous Secrets" mapped out, all I have to do is write and post it. However, my brain is like: "NO START ON SEQUEL NOW." So I have, but, it will not begin to be posted until "My Dangerous Secrets" is completed.