
          	Commenting I see as thanking the writer for writing the story in the first place, so really I'm thanking you :)
          	I've a nook, not a kindle. But I've heard that there's a kindle app you can get. So I'll try that. It's a great pity that its not on Wattpad. Nothing I can do about that. Thanks for the message though. It's thoughtful of you to do that.


          Commenting I see as thanking the writer for writing the story in the first place, so really I'm thanking you :)
          I've a nook, not a kindle. But I've heard that there's a kindle app you can get. So I'll try that. It's a great pity that its not on Wattpad. Nothing I can do about that. Thanks for the message though. It's thoughtful of you to do that.


Hi Anastasia - Wanted to leave you a message thanking you for all of your comments on Blood and Snow. I've removed it from wattpad because it's part of the SELECT program, and they don't want it anywhere else. *sigh* But thank you, thank you for reading. If you want a free copy of the ebook it'll be available beginning 6-20 on kindle. Also volume 2 REVENANT IN TRAINING is available to download from kindle as well.