
Hi guys this is my new story, please check it out. PS it's complete.


I needed to read a story and I glanced upon, " I do, I do, " and I can't wait to read it.
          I hope you like lots of votes, comments and music suggestions - I adore music so much that if the world lost its music, I would lose my soul! 
          Hope to catch up with you soon. Belated Merry Christmas but a very Happy New Year for 2020!
          PS. I know someone who has a birthday nearest to yours, so I will be back to wish you a very Happy B'day in 2020.
          I hope we can be friends.


Is it weird if i am following you because you are in the medical field and write on wattpad(also because that's exactly what I am too )


It's nice to see a fellow hustler


@Toxic_Chaos Nope, not at all


Hi guys I just posted a new story on my profile. I want to ask for your support on this new endeavour and I hope you guys will like it seriously. Please show your support through you voting and comments.
          Tell your friends, parents, brothers and sisters even your dog. All are welcome.
          Thank you.


Hi guys, I'm sorry for not updating at all lately, life has been hectic. I tried to update sooner but I wasn't satisfied with it but I really hope y'all like it.
          I just updated I DO, I DO. Check it out and let me know what you think I'm your comments, and please don't hesitate to vote.