
Ever feel like your turing into the person you tried so hard to not be?


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@Dragonfly44-Galixy almost always : ). It's like I'm tired of myself but wanna give myself a second chance every fucking time


Ok first off I would like to start this off by saying. I will still be continuing my songs book but I recently hit a hard place in it. I wont go in to, too much detail but lets just say I didn't quite understand the gravity of what I was getting myself into
          Now on to the reason I'm writing this
          Well I wanted to expand my area of writting. So on my Instagram (@sky-angol) I will have a serious of polls about ships or the emotions going into the chapters. Than I'll write the chapter. 
          I don't know how well this is going to work out or if it will work in general but I really hope it does.




You know the feeling when you sister takes a shower and it's not until you hear the water turn on that you realize you have to pee. So you're left silently cursing her because you only have one bathroom. 
          Or is that just me?


            No, my family has a thing against going into the bathroom while someone else is using it, even if it is just two people brushing their teeth.


When it’s your Dad or brother it’s worse. I can get away with going in to pee if my sister is in there once in awhile.


not just you believe me 


Changed my profile picture fir the first time sense I became an ARMY. Hope you like it. I'll be posting the next chapter for Only Six soon.


Hii sweety... Can u pls check my story "HUSBANDS IN NAME ONLY" (taekook Ff) & "CHRISTMAS MEMORIES" (taekook Ff)... It will really mean a lot to me if you plsss VOTE and leave a COMMENT there....♥♥♥


            Of course I will.  While we are at it do you mind checking out my book? Only Six. You don't have to if you don't like reading sad stuff. But I would really appreciate it 