
Hai :D Ima back


Posting stories I never published from 2015-19, as well as new stories too!!


Hey guys! Long time, no post :D
          My first book, What Was Missing, is now available on Amazon as a paperback and Kindle eBook! Published finally!! WOOOO!
          Check it out here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1983325228/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
          I want to thank my readers-- your reads, votes, and  comments kept me motivated and excited to get back to this even when I had my strongest writer's blocks. Publishing and printing has been my goal since I started the book in 2014. This wouldn't have been done without you!
          PS: I will be posting new chapters of books again soon :D


Okay! As far as I know, all of the content that I've had on Wattpad (other than What Was Missing's, which is still in the editing process, covers that I uploaded without a story which I'll publish in a separate collection, and very very <1month recent unfinished things that were ever up) is up. I'll finish up the last bits later/soon& make reading lists to categorize & finally link to my other profiles.