Im a Dinosaur >V<
Jokingg, But I wish I was one.
Im just a normal human being like you.
Unless your an alien......
Anywhorree, The names Bond, James Bond...
HI My name is... SLIM SHADY!!! XD

Ok seriously my name is Jc :)
I am of the female population.

Random Facts About MY self

I am 15
I doodle on EVERY piece of paper that I receive ( I can't help it :P)
I almost drowned when I was 7, courtesy of Andy -.- (he was my friend)
My best friend is a whore xP (LOVE YOU KIANA) She honestly doesnt care what I call her cause she knows I'm kidding
I currently have the most ANNOYING girl EVER sitting at my table, but I don't want to be a bitch and send her off. But I never invited her to sit there.......

I love,
Dinosaurs >.w<, movies, waffles, spongebob, books, white boards, superman, Emblem3 <3
Quoting movies xD, Heath bars, Our2ndLife, mints, proper grammar.


For for you Glen Coco! You go Glen Coco. - Mean Girls.

Register Woman: Guns. Mask. You sure you all don't wanna grab some condoms?
Nick: No. Why?
Register Woman: Because this is usually what men buy before they rape someone.
Chet: Oh, we're not rapists! Us two, small fries? No way.
[she gives them a cold unbelieving look]
Register Woman: Is it gonna be cash or credit for your rape kit?
[Chet put a box of hamburger slider kit on the counter]
Chet: Hey, is a slider station in a rape kit? Cause we're gettin' one of those too.
Nick: We'll pay cash.
Chet: Not into rape, just into sliders. - 30 Minutes or Less

Finn McMissile: Finn McMissile, British intelligence.
Mater: Tow Mater, average intelligence. - Cars 2 xD

General Aladeen: Is there any way you could lend me some money? Maybe twenty million dollars.
- The Dictator

Margaret Tate: What am I allergic to?
Andrew Paxton: Pine nuts, and the full spectrum of human emotion.
- The Proposal

We are infinite. - The Perks of Being a Wallflower <3
  • YouTube :P
  • JoinedApril 6, 2013
