
@TheStyclarSaga: Haha, I read books very fast, if they are awesome ofc ;) I think since I discovered wattpad (wich was.. 4 months ago) I've read about 50 completed books o_o even bought a tablet for it, until I got my new mobile, wich worked fine aswell :P I just love reading, being able to forget everything about you and where you are, and imagine the book as if you are IN the story, but from the sideline.
          	But yay! you are making more of them! *O*


@TheStyclarSaga: Haha, I read books very fast, if they are awesome ofc ;) I think since I discovered wattpad (wich was.. 4 months ago) I've read about 50 completed books o_o even bought a tablet for it, until I got my new mobile, wich worked fine aswell :P I just love reading, being able to forget everything about you and where you are, and imagine the book as if you are IN the story, but from the sideline.
          But yay! you are making more of them! *O*