
Hey guys it’s Ariel and I wanna just say thank you so much for 15k reads it really means a lot to me and lily anyways byeeee~Ariel

            Check out the first chapter of our new book, the sequel to One Direction Reunion!


OMG thank you so much it means the world to us that you like it! We'll definitely work on making the chapters longer, we just were in a bit of a hurry, because of how excited Ariel and I were to show the chapter to everyone.


@DirectionersForever7 I just read the first chapter and must I say,  I wish it was longer so it wouldn't end  I miss them and I love your plot!


Hopefully, it won't be too much longer before Ariel and I can begin working on the sequel for our book: One Direction Reunion. Again we just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read and voted on our book, we had no idea things would get this far. 
          I love every one of you, Lilly