Imma sour patch kid , I'm hoping to give y'all some good stories (I'm not very good at it but I'll try lol) , ~ my interests~  <favorite movies> , All the chucky and Annabelle movies , Friday the 13th , nightmare on elm street , Scott pilgrim vs the world , Christina , <favorite music> , I love everything except for blues and jazz , (I'd have to hear it n order to remember it due to my memory) , < favorite hobbies > , i write sometimes trying to get back n to it , draw , sing , some what dance , TikTok , Snapchat (Dm if u want the info :3) , Imma unique / special bean XD , I also have blond moments so sowwys if I sound off lol , if y'all would like to chat feel free to Dm me I'm always here if needed and I also hope to gain a few followers I'm not here for the followers just here to make friends and have fun enjoy you're reading :)
  • JoinedSeptember 30, 2019
