
Aaaa!! And I am back!!
          	After whole 17 weeks I had to break my record. No poem, no short story last week.
          	But now I am back with my new poem this week.
          	Title~ A dark dark place
          	Some of the lines:
          	Reaches out me,
          	Not the hands I wanted,
          	But the tentacles who swoon
          	PS: Not about me, but about us. Us as vulnerable beings. Not just biologically, but in much more ways.  


Aaaa!! And I am back!!
          After whole 17 weeks I had to break my record. No poem, no short story last week.
          But now I am back with my new poem this week.
          Title~ A dark dark place
          Some of the lines:
          Reaches out me,
          Not the hands I wanted,
          But the tentacles who swoon
          PS: Not about me, but about us. Us as vulnerable beings. Not just biologically, but in much more ways.  


Weekly poetry dose
          This one is without reason. Without intention. Literally something I wrote while talking with some.
          The name: Not now
          Today I lay down again,
          In peace, looking for peace
          For my quieter outside
          Are overcome by my chaotic inside


@DeckOfTheAvarice Something out of the routine :)
            Well... looking forward to it!


          This is just a gentle reminder, in case you wish to finish reading my book Things To Think About!
          I'm really trying to reach 85k this week, so it'll mean the world to me if you could continue reading if possible :) no pressure tho!
          Happy reading! Have a great day :)


@DeckOfTheAvarice oh, that's very sweet of you! Thank you very much!!
            Awaiting loads of votes and comments from your side :) happy reading! 


@ArtisticZenith definitely. Always up for the help!! Especially for such a great book.


Weekly poetry is here.
          I feel guilty of not being able to write anything last week, but I will make sure it doesn't happen this time. For now, keeping tradition ongoing, for straight 17 weeks, the weekly poetry dose is here.
          Born incomplete, was I?
          And some lines from poem:
          Born incomplete, was I?
          Struggling to survive,
          Walking through roads,
          Whether it's sunshine or rainfall, 
          Do check out the poem tomorrow. In The Socrates in You 


Hey guys.
          Weekly poetry ritual is here.
          At this point, I have written enough poems to start a new religion, but nevertheless.
          This week's poem is here.
          And as always, two lines from poem coming right up:
          You can be it; you can be all
          You can be whatever you want
          Aim for the sky, and beyond
          From wherever you stand
          Whether the sky or a hole


Hey hey hey ~~~
          Weekly ritual is here. 
          This week's poem is Landscape.
          Unlike my usual taste of writing, I have come to realise that I have started writing about new things.
          This week's poem is celebrating, in a crooked way, the spirit of writing,
          Here are some lines from poem:
          My pen scratches on sheets
          Scribbling the scenes
          Painting the picture 
          On the canvas of lines


Hey hey hey~~~
          Hello everyone. Today the post is about an update. I have this writing competition that I do on instagram every week, and now I am thinking of bringing the same here. 
          So the thing about the competition is:
          I will be posting an excerpt/premise every week and people can look forward to write something from that. Ofcourse we won't have any prize for now and whole thing will be for enjoyment, but with time maybe we can work out a shoutout for amazing works we find. 
          I don't think that a shoutout for now will be heard much, so help us get a voice that can be heard better when we shout.
          I will be posting the first one today, please check out the profile, and tell me what you all think.
          **I hope to get feedback from all of you, in any shape or form**


Hey hey hey~~~
          It's poetry day tomorrow here.
          We have our new poem here, Haze
          This one is slightly different. Unlike my usual stuff which is expressive, this one is a question to my self as well. So read it and let's connect to see what you people think.
          As usual, some lines from the poem are:
          That white haze floats
          In my peripheral,
          Try to catch the glimpse
          But nothing is there to see


Hey @bookphanatic thanks. I hope you will also like the poem tomorrow.