
i’m so sick of being everyone backup/second choice. no matter what i do i’ll always be an afterthought and i’m tired of it- what’s so wrong with me that i can’t be a first thought??


@hersadvalentine i think instagram would probably be the best, i just started a new job so i haven’t really been doing anything but work and sleep 


@Decaying_opossum omg what platform are you on,so we can chat if u available?


@hersadvalentine hey, sorry, i just this bc i haven’t been using wattpad since i’ve been so busy. i’ve been wanting to talk to you again, i miss our conversations, i just work all the time lol


i’m so sick of being everyone backup/second choice. no matter what i do i’ll always be an afterthought and i’m tired of it- what’s so wrong with me that i can’t be a first thought??


@hersadvalentine i think instagram would probably be the best, i just started a new job so i haven’t really been doing anything but work and sleep 


@Decaying_opossum omg what platform are you on,so we can chat if u available?


@hersadvalentine hey, sorry, i just this bc i haven’t been using wattpad since i’ve been so busy. i’ve been wanting to talk to you again, i miss our conversations, i just work all the time lol


been playing a lot of rdr 2 and rd online and i got 2 chapters of yan fic with the (y/n) being based on the online protagonist storyline- idk the character i made is so cute and awkward looking lol it’s inspired me to actually write for the first time in a while, im rlly outta practice so it’s not rlly good but i might good over them after work and MAYBE publish it if i think it’s decent enough


having a father who guilt trips and gets so..petty abt me calling out of work actually aggravates me so much especially cause like..which one of us has a job?? it ain’t him.
          i literally got 2nd degree burns on my fingers yesterday from a pan that wasn’t supposed to even be hot and while i was WORKING 20 minutes over unasked bc they had no one else, the burns hurt don’t get me wrong, but the main reason i called out today was bc i was frustrated/ and if i went to work and had a bad day i would’ve quit.
          but all day today my dads been giving me passive aggressive remarks (‘let me look at it? oh it’s not that bad’ ‘can i see your hand? oh it’s just 1st degree, when i was younger i dumped hot grease on my hand and it actually blistered’) and went on this long thing abt how i need to stay a good employee??
          i have worked there for almost 5 months, i have called out 3 times before, 2 of those times i brought doctors notes, im always on time/early and i always work late when they need me to, not to mention IM 17!! i shouldn’t need to be a good employee, but i am, and if me calling out a day in advance bc i got hurt on the clock i ain’t the issue here!


@AkiJabarosa thank you so much <3 it means a lot, im doing a lot better now, aside from my mom getting mad abt me setting boundaries and not being able to do anything abt it life’s been good, i got my diploma and i’m working in getting a job with the state (which is the best job money/benefits in my area) and imma save up bc i eventually wanna buy some land a little bit away from my current area bc there’s too much development happening


@Decaying_opossum hey love, I understand. As someone who basically raised their siblings since before double digits it sucks to be forced to become an adult so young. But keep on hanging on babes. The more money you save the more you have to spend on you. Get another kitten get a car, get an apartment with a roommate! Actually becoming an adult can be so cool and freeing if you're in the right place for it. Do some research about you area and start planning as soon as possible. It'll work out


i’m so tired of so many ppl expecting me to be grown, i  feel like everyone in my life just forgets the fact that i’m still a child, i feel like they’ve been forgetting it since i was like 10, now i’m almost 18 and i wanna shrink into myself, i act mature but i still feel the same way i felt when i was 12 just more tired, it’s not fair watching my coworkers my age goof around, and just watching bc i know better then to act like that but i SHOULDNT know better, i should be stupid, i should be gossiping and stuff not having to show my coworkers my learners permit to prove i’m not 20-something, im so tired.
            my sweet baby waylon who i bottled fed as a kitten died in my arms last week and no one’s asked me if i’m okay, no one’s even mentioned him and yet they all expect me to be fine, they ignore me being quieter then usual and not eating that much, yet they get confused on why i’m not doing what they want me to do as good as before,  no one cares how i’m feeling or doing until it effects them and what i do for them and i’m so tired of it


it don’t feel like christmas, like usually christmas eve i feel it but i’m just…tired, my cat waylon passed away Thursday and i’ve just felt so numb, and i’m working today and all these ppl keep wishing me a merry christmas but it just feels like another day


@Decaying_opossum I understand what you mean, I'm sorry for your loss


it’s so creepy when young men come into my job and call me stuff like sweetheart- like old guy calling me stuff like baby girl, darling, whatever, it’s weird but expected but a 25-30 year old calling me sweetheart, baby, it’s so much weirder and creepier and idk why 


@Decaying_opossum Lmaooo Exactly!! it's just extra weird when they do it 


@SkilarNight4 i think it’s bc like with older guys it’s still creepy but i at least know most of them probably see me as their child but a man who was like 8 when i was born?? girl shut up don’t talk to me i’m trying to work lmao


@SkilarNight4 it’s like if me and you were in public and ppl assumed you were my boyfriend and not my dad- don’t be calling me calling me baby and darling