
What did you all think of Dragons Rising S2? Apparently it's a two parter thing like the last one, so I should say so far.


@Godgirl665 I do kinda hope we get more Jay next time around but I am glad we got a bit of establishing info with him. And honestly I do feel bad for Kai too! I genuinely feel really worried about his situation.


@Dawnheaver I wish there was more Jay other than that it's okay I feel bad for Kai 


What did you all think of Dragons Rising S2? Apparently it's a two parter thing like the last one, so I should say so far.


@Godgirl665 I do kinda hope we get more Jay next time around but I am glad we got a bit of establishing info with him. And honestly I do feel bad for Kai too! I genuinely feel really worried about his situation.


@Dawnheaver I wish there was more Jay other than that it's okay I feel bad for Kai 


Hey, guys.
          I just released Chapter 8 of Multiple Strikes after... let's see here... 207 days.
          I mentioned this in the author note on that chapter, but I'm super sorry for my absence for that. Another thing I said was that I've been working on some other stories. I'm on the first chapter for most of them, though. I'll just put an excerpt of one of them in here to see what you guys think, if that's alright.
          "Hello?" Cade yelled impulsively. He spun around, looking behind him. Nothing really different, but it was closer. He walked towards that, into the brush of deep orange trees.
          They kinda looked like Jack-O-Lanterns, the ones he had been seeing all night all over the neighborhood. Candy after candy entered his decorated pail and the triangular, glowing eyes of a hollow pumpkin had been staring at him with partial life in its eyes. His friend, Scout, had accidentally knocked one over, the top falling off and the candle inside it falling out, burning up the surrounding grass. 
          But Cade didn't have his candy pail. He didn't see any Jack-O-Lanterns, and he didn't see his friends. Or any other human being.
          Where was he?
          He walked forward, into the brush closer to him, poking his head in without caution. He looked around. Clovers -- four-leafed ones -- poked out of the ground, their leaves fluttering inwards and outwards. Like they were breathing, or something. One of the taller ones caught Cade's attention, who squatted down and held his finger close to it.
          It bit him.
          "OW!" He yelped, taking a step back. He glared at that thing in shock; it didn't have teeth, or so it appeared. He then checked his finger, with bite marks circling his finger and blood manifesting from the wound.
          He had a brief, abstract thought of it healing by odd and random means. And somehow, that happened. He widened his eyes as the blood dried instantly into clots, with turned to his honey-brown skin tone, and seemed to fuse in with the skin. The bite marks were gone.


@Dawnheaver welcome back ♥️♥️


          SIX LEAGUES HAS GOT 1K!!!!
          In the grand scheme of Wattpad stories I guess it isn’t much, yet the fact that I actually made it this far is remarkable.
          Also, sorry I’ve been inactive and stuff. I honestly keep forgetting about Multiple Strikes and writing it, because I’ve been exploring a lot of story ideas outside of Ninjago and have also genuinely just busy, because I’m getting a lot more homework now and stuff. I’ve got two moderately long car rides soon, so I’ll definitely try to get Chapter Eight done then - or at least some completed rough draft :)


@Dawnheaver Congratulations for you!! :]


Multiple Strikes Chapter Seven teasers cuz why not
          "You think he might've started to realize that?" Whispered his mother in a worried and shaky tone herself. "Oh, if so, maybe we should've said something before. It's clearly hurting him."
          "Yeah. I like to think he gets home late because he's hanging out with friends, but he does that so much."
          TUJ backed away from the door, with a pained expression, eyes wide and confused. His hands were clutched together near his chest. He breathed out of his mouth slowly, his non-existent nose scrunched.
          "What do they mean?"
          Jay frowned, and further furrowed his brows as he looked at his future self. He looked like he knew.
          Thinking about Prom?"
          Jay tensed and nearly shrieked at Lloyd's question in whisper, his pencil flying off the desk and right in front of the teacher, who looked back and raised her brow. His math notes slid off and fell right under Lloyd's desk, who picked them up and gave them back to him. The pairs of eyes snapped over to where he was sitting in front, the stares like spiders crawling about him and making him freeze for a moment. The teacher snapped at the class to get their attention once more.
          "Hey! This is your last day of review before the test, you all can stare at Mr. Walker later if it's that important." She asserted with her head held high, reverting everyone back to the recalling of the complex math problems involving letters. Ugh. She kicked the pencil under the desk, rude but clearly tired out as she had no secret  lounge to go to when this was over.


I’ve had a lot of fun writing it so far!


@Dawnheaver so excited for this chapter!!


          It’s started. But I’ll keep things consistent, promise.


@WritingZombeh I hope you had a great first day 


Thank you  lol. At least PE seems easy and I like my history teacher so far.


I probably should've said I was just on a break or something-- since I basically was. But now that's over, so allow me to apologize over no activity (In actually writing things, anyway)  for so long. I was finishing up this year, and have gotten settled into the summer, so things are now going to be picking back up. In fact, I got a Multiple Strikes chapter out today, FINALLY!
          And wow, thirteen followers? I wasn't even ever suspecting one! Thank you all so much!


@WritingZombeh I'm so glad I'm about to read the chapter now can't wait to see what happens next to the story and also welcome back 


Whats a better wake up call than screaming?
          Jokes aside I swear I heard what sounded like a mix between an alarm and screaming which quickly turned into faint cries for help. I really don’t know what to think about it.


I’m doing fine, I didn’t mean to scare anybody, sorry! My mom theorized it could’ve been a kid on one of the passing bus’s screaming, maybe a bit odd for so early in the morning tho.


@WritingZombeh is everything okay I'm a little confused but ok


hmm. are y'all cool if i put some of these ideas (for stupid things to be tossed in a pit) in a segment for a fic? i blanked on ideas.


@WritingZombeh yeah go for it can't wait to see what you come up with with our ideas