
Hello, it has been a while. I am going to be slowly coming back. And with some new stories as well as fixed old ones. Thank you all for your support. I hope you enjoy.


Hello all. Hope everyone is doing good.
          Last reminder, I will be removing my stories tonight at 9pm EST. 
          Thank you again and I hope everyone has a nice day.


@DarkSoulsManifest69 I believe you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@JoeyDinosaurus the rewrites will be worth it. Promise! I appreciate the support!


@DarkSoulsManifest69 sadness... but we understand


Hello, I hope everyone is doing well.
          Friendly reminder that you have a few more days to read my works.
          I decided that this Saterday (three days from now) is when I will be removing them. I'm going to be aiming for around 9pm EST. 
          I'm not sure how much of a heads up you guys want so I decided I might as well just let you know. Just in case. 
          Thank you again for all your support and happy reading. 
          I hope everyone has a nice day. 


Hello all, I hope everyone is doing good.
          Just wanted to let you all know, in about a week (probably two) I will be unpublishing ALL my stories. I will only be reposting the edited versions of them. 
          So if you want to get through them all and enjoy even the crappy versions, this is your week or two to do so. 
          So, happy reading all.
          If you feel like it, let me know which story interests you most and I will get that one out fastest on the repost. 
          Thank you all and I hope you have a great day!


@BumbleBee520 well, thank you. I certainly hope there's apparent improvement lol. 


That’s alright i bet it’ll be just as amazing when you re write


@BumbleBee520 I'm taking down all of them. Then doing some heavy editing and rewriting for all of them as well. So it may be a bit before they come back.


Yes, I'm still alive. I know it's been a while but I figured I should give ya'll something. Ya know, like how the birthday person brings the snacks things.
          I just posted a lot of random stuff but hey, hope ya'll like it. There's new stuff for writing prompts and a new project so you'll probably see more of me for a bit. I am still working on. . . all the projects I have published. lol. 
          Anyway, hope everyone has a brilliant day and stays safe.


Just another post because I haven't gotten a chapter up in forever, my apologies on that. 
          But this is also an update on Street Urchin. I have made a lot of changes to it that if you were to read what I have already published and the newest draft it would be difficult to think of them as the same book originally. 
          So I want to re-ask a question that really can't be answered until I publish the first chapter of the new Street Urchin and you get your first taste of it. 
          Do you want me to leave the original Street Urchin up? 
          I will do my best to have the first chapter of Street Urchin (2nd draft) up by tonight. 
          I shall await your responses. Thank you for your time. 


Pleeeease leave the OG up


So I have a question : 
          Which one of my books interests you all the most? 


@Achoi909 Thank you! I'm glad to hear it and I am still working on it. Things are just slow rn. Thank you for your support! 


@DarkSoulsManifest69 street urchin! I just started and loving it 


@schmikatoo glad to hear it. Thank you for letting me know. 