So, like many of you who are reading this, fandoms ruined my life. I also love imagning myself in their world. Sherlock, Supernatural, and Doctor Who are some of them, naturally. Can't have one without the other two. Plain and simple. 

I've always been writing, and imagining. Bits and pieces of my stories are lying in a dusty box in my room. But, I've never shown anyone anything. The parts of my stories I have written down are the most exciting part. One problem: that's it. Just those parts. No background, and it can be extremely confusing if you're not in my head. Honestly, the parts I'm planning to put between are difficult to write, but I'm trying :) So bear with me.

If you actually want to know stuff about me, (which I really don't understand) here's a list:
-Imma gurl
-14 turning 15 preeeetty soon
-Single bc I don't want to date you if I could be watching my shows so, tough.
-Movies and shows where the good guys go bad are my favorite.
-Directioner :)
-I run, which managed to surprise me
-I feel bad for eating meat, but I still do
-Total hypocrite a majority of the time. :/
-I spent spring break going on a supernatural marathon.... No regrets
-Good Grades bc asian. Even though some people think I'm mexican
-Southern Calfornia
  • JoinedSeptember 16, 2013