
Hi my little leftovers! I've finally finished writing the final chapter of Second Chance, (it only took me two whole years). I hope you've all had amazing lives- and if you haven't, stuff goes wrong, but you'll get back on track. I believe in you.
          	If you'd like to draw art for it, please let me know by direct messaging me on good ol' Wattpad. If no one wants to, I am looking to release it within the next week.


@ Soph_Reads_  Oh..


@DanganronpaV3fan ah! thats good! :D 
          	  i believe the reason they deleted it was cause of the massive amount of people talking to supposed pedos on wattpad thru it and getting groomed


@Soph_Reads_ I know! Got a nasty shock this morning when I realised but luckily @tnugay came through and supplied lovely art just in time. 


Hi my little leftovers! I've finally finished writing the final chapter of Second Chance, (it only took me two whole years). I hope you've all had amazing lives- and if you haven't, stuff goes wrong, but you'll get back on track. I believe in you.
          If you'd like to draw art for it, please let me know by direct messaging me on good ol' Wattpad. If no one wants to, I am looking to release it within the next week.


@ Soph_Reads_  Oh..


@DanganronpaV3fan ah! thats good! :D 
            i believe the reason they deleted it was cause of the massive amount of people talking to supposed pedos on wattpad thru it and getting groomed


@Soph_Reads_ I know! Got a nasty shock this morning when I realised but luckily @tnugay came through and supplied lovely art just in time. 


Yo yo yo! (Do people say that anymore?) BEEN A LONG TIME hasn't it? 
          Sorry about that. Bit of an oopsy on my part.
          Nearly the end of 2022, how is everyone doing? Hope you guys are doing well and not looking at this notification like, 'who the hell is this and why have I got a notification from wattpad? bro does she think she's still relevant?'
          for the record hi I wrote a few fanfics a couple of years ago and no I don't think I'm still relevant :D
          BASICALLY - I've got the last chapter for Second Chance in a google document and my aim is to get it out before 2022 ends, possibly with some art to follow tradition. So hey, anyone who reads this and wants to help draw or do something creative, send me an inbox message on here or on instagram @spooky_haze_
          I might get nothing, but it's worth a shot isn't it?
          Cheers mates


@Griffinthehorn just waiting on some art then it'll be out!


@DanganronpaV3fan I know this post is over a year old but I'm still hyped to see the last chapter because even though it's been a long time since I read second chance, I love the fic so again I'm gonna wait and see the finale!!!


@DanganronpaV3fan I love your ficssssssss. <333