Hello! I'm Dai Arceus (Day AreKeyUs, and, yes, like the Pokémon ^^), and I'm here to write! Even though it takes me absolutely forever to write, and I don't upload my books until I'm completely done with them, so yeah.... However, at the time of writing this I'm working on... hmm... *counts on fingers* A-HA, AT LEAST FIVE BOOKS! 
Also, there will be no fanfic on this account, all original stories ^^

If you want to follow my unactive self anywhere else:
Tumblr: day-dai
Instagram: dai.arceus
Twitter: daidun_arceus

Oh, and I'm always up to talk! If, you know, I actually get the notification and school isn't being an absolute pain ^^;
  • USA! USA! *repeated chanting as a bus painted the color of the american flag crashes through my house*
  • SumaliMarch 29, 2017


1 Reading List