
Morning everyone. Just having a quick read before leaving for another thrilling day at work. Why is it when your feeling the laziest that's when the weather decides to throw it down?  As in rain heavy not just throw random objects at the ground as that would just be very aggressive. I am planning on getting some more writing done soon but finding the time is becoming a bit of a chore with this whole being an adult thing. 


Morning everyone. Just having a quick read before leaving for another thrilling day at work. Why is it when your feeling the laziest that's when the weather decides to throw it down?  As in rain heavy not just throw random objects at the ground as that would just be very aggressive. I am planning on getting some more writing done soon but finding the time is becoming a bit of a chore with this whole being an adult thing. 


Hope everyone's having a great day even if the weather is with us. Would really love it if anyone is interested in reading any of my works and letting me know what they think, think of it as an almost Creative writing lesson. Always happy to do the same in return. 


Sorry for trying to follow so many people, would just love more people to read my works and to give some criticism about them, either positive or negative.  Also gives me an excuse to feel like I'm making some friends while continuing my antisocial lifestyle  


After filling all my available time with work i am finally getting a few days off to which i plan on filling with imagination, dreams and love all neatly arranged on a piece of paper, hopefully, for others enjoyment. If not i'm happy just chuckling to myself, at my desk in the process :) Happy Easter everyone!


@TheAgminateMan Well, i thought i had replied to your message but i'm not sure what happened to it, lets just say it was poetic and would of made you cry with joy to read, now you must settle for this. Your work (that I've got round to reading) is brilliant! You are definitely at a much higher level then myself, so to be honest with you, for you to read any of my works and review them i will be extremely grateful. So just feel free to pick whatever tickles your fancy and i hope you enjoy it. Also yes Kerouac was an amazing character makes me wish i was born in another time, always great to find another fan of his work. Keep up your great work! and have a lovely Easter! :)