
So, I have just posted Chapter 6, Part 2 of Embracing Magick, after an excruciatingly long wait, for which I apologize. I was extremely busy, but also, I had considered scrapping the book and starting over from scratch, but decided to finish this first draft before rewriting, because I know otherwise I'll just keep starting over and never actually finish it.
          	But I would like to stress that this is an unedited (except for spelling and grammar) first draft, meaning as it pops into my head, I write it down. I will be going back and rewriting it, probably a few times even. I plan to spend more time with Amaria in Coralie, and further explain how the rebellion works and what sorts of things they do, before ever getting to where the book starts now, and I'll be polishing it up a lot.
          	However, this won't happen for a long time, until I finish this draft. I just wanted to remind everyone that this is nowhere near the finished project. Thanks for reading!


Hi! Just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for voting for Realm Weavers! I hope NaNoWriMo is going well for you! I'll be checking yours out as soon as possible :3 My main reader is down at the moment, and I get headaches trying to read from my computer screen for too long, so I might be a little slow (plus me being full-time in writer-mode lately) but your story is on my list of stories to keep track of :3 Anyways, thanks so much, and have a great day!


@DKirby You aren't the only one haha I'm pushing through one myself, and it's slow-going. Thankfully I'm at 23k so I have some leeway to work through the block.  I'm sure you'll work through yours!


@April_Parr Thank you for your message, and for writing such a great story! I really like it, it reminds me a lot of the anime I used to watch with my brother, and I can picture everything you write about in my head vividly, which is nice :) I love reading your story!
            I wish I could say NaNo was going well, but it's only been a week and I've already hit writers block. We'll see if I can push past it or not. Here's hoping!


So, I have just posted Chapter 6, Part 2 of Embracing Magick, after an excruciatingly long wait, for which I apologize. I was extremely busy, but also, I had considered scrapping the book and starting over from scratch, but decided to finish this first draft before rewriting, because I know otherwise I'll just keep starting over and never actually finish it.
          But I would like to stress that this is an unedited (except for spelling and grammar) first draft, meaning as it pops into my head, I write it down. I will be going back and rewriting it, probably a few times even. I plan to spend more time with Amaria in Coralie, and further explain how the rebellion works and what sorts of things they do, before ever getting to where the book starts now, and I'll be polishing it up a lot.
          However, this won't happen for a long time, until I finish this draft. I just wanted to remind everyone that this is nowhere near the finished project. Thanks for reading!


Hello! Thank you so much for reading The Shadowkeeper, I'm delighted that you enjoyed it so much and honoured that you have put it on your 'highly recommended' list! 
          Best of luck with your college applications in, the process is slightly different here in Australia, but the nerves are the same - I hope you get in where you want to!


I've graduated high school and gotten in my college applications! Now I just need to get in my transcripts and test scores, and I will have all summer to work on Embracing Magick!


Oh, cool cool! Good luck on the internship :)


@laurel_coronet Oh hey! I didn't see this lol. I did finally get all the required stuff sent to the college and I'm just waiting to hear back from them, though I may not have as much free time as I'd planned on this summer--I'm up for an internship at a radio place. Hoping I get it! (Went with communications, if you were wondering. Need to update my bio again now.)


Hey, go you! I can't wait till summer when I have time to write!


This is so weird; I just looked at your updated bio and you are choosing between the exact three majors I was struggling to choose between when I was your age! If it's any help, I chose English and haven't regretted it once... But I'm not super employable either. ;)


Honestly at this point I might just pick one out of a hat! Like you say, I can change it later, and who knows--I might get lucky and actually stick with the major I start with. Of course it wouldn't be the most responsible thing to do, but oh well.


Yep I'm going the PhD route so I don't have to worry about that as much. Double major maybe? I know an English/Psych double (and between you and me, she's kinda dumb and pulling it off, so it can't be that hard... haha!)
            anyway, don't pressure yourself too much when it comes to picking a major yet. There's time to change and pretty much everyone does at least once.


Haha, English is actually in the lead for me! I even went to sign up for classes towards an English major but chickened out because I'm worried about finding a job after college.