
Happy Holidays :-)


Thank you so much for all of your votes for Vampire Vendetta, I appreciate your support!  Feel free to comment and let me know what you think, I love getting other people's perspectives.
          You may like some of my other stories as well, like Mates with Triplets, Mates with Three Giant Beasts, When we Were in the Before Times, Painful Epiphanies, the Tasting Room  and the Unwanted Mate.
          For the latest news, make sure to follow me.
          Stay safe and have a great day hon! ♥️


Hey Crystel~Hope you're coping well with the crises. Thanx for adding  “Dominance Factor." And because you’re new to my work (and such a sweetie), I'm sending you a story of mine I think you'll also like--especially as summer approaches.
          Stay Safe -- Keep the Faith--Use the Force!
          Enjoy my reads. and check out SHOW MORE on my profile page to see 28 other works.


Thank you for adding To Be Obscure to your reading list!


@Crystel T^T Annnnd this just made my morning ♡♡♡♡!! Thank you!! 


@LittleVee I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work! I always get excited when I see you've updated and usually ignore the world while I slip in and indulge.  