
So I am going to write something else tonight, but right now I finished something I've been working on
          	A comic
          	It's based on my own characters, the comic is going to become the relationship between Elliott and Zeki, two of the 8 I have
          	I don't have much planed for it, but I ended up turning into a comic anyway
          	I've only gotten the first page done but-
          	Oh well its still a story


So I am going to write something else tonight, but right now I finished something I've been working on
          A comic
          It's based on my own characters, the comic is going to become the relationship between Elliott and Zeki, two of the 8 I have
          I don't have much planed for it, but I ended up turning into a comic anyway
          I've only gotten the first page done but-
          Oh well its still a story


I'm very tempted to write a story with Jordan and the 3 wizards
          I'm not sure if I could keep it going though since at some point in the book it'd be 4 people together, and I couldn't even make a couple of 3 that were my own characters who had no bounderies
          I think I'm gonna try it
          It would be where the wizards are completely secluded from the interty of ruxumar due to Matt's incidence with the red robed men, it was years after the incident and they killed anyone who stepped though their home, Tom ridded of them, since Matt didn't want anyone who came in getting harmed since he belived mortals were amazing creatures, and Phil couldn't bring himself to attack the harmless
          Jordan was driven out of the town when Ianite died and Tom tried to kill him nonstop, he thought Tom was still after him and he left, eventually coming across the wizard's tower, being found by Matt when he made himself comfortable in one of the souless homes in their town
          Also, I know tom, matt, and Phil are supposed to be brothers, but I'm tossing that idea out
          They wouldn't be involved with each other either, I'd like it for them just to constantly pamper Jordan and take care of him, but not to each other
          Sound like a good idea?


I have the weirdest dreams- well, semi-dreams, It's when you're trying to fall asleep and your mind wonders?
          So flowers coming to life, a riped up doll being their girlfriend they killed but dig the ground with and cried, then everything turning to water and this random woman and the flower on a board shaking in the water and the flower saying some riddle thing that ends with 'The jehovah's witness' and the woman floating on the board in a water fountain and the water turning black-
          What in the world do I hear to think of that- cause it ain't somethin I've read, worst I've Read is about Hitler as a kid or sumthin
          -it's late I don't wanna fix spelling-