What can I say for myself? Well, I suppose one could call me an aspiring individual. My devotion, my passion, and my inspiration, is writing. Literature itself engages me to no bounds. It is this infatuation of the Earth's written lore that motivates me to take on the path of an artful scribe myself.
Throughout my life, reading, literature, and the written word have fascinated me. I'm a creative soul; one who will quickly concoct a piece of art without hesitation, given the chance. In the past few years, I've become fond of composing poetry, which not only tends to keep me busy, but also gives me a sense of purpose. I prefer to think of writing as an outlet towards self expression, a gateway to another world--a place where ideals and emotions can be expressed freely and without consequence.
The field of writing is a prosperous business, for both the heart and mind. Whilst enlightening those around me, there is that small chance that I just might be able to spark that same flame that kindled my passion for writing in others. Hopefully, those who could have been touched by my work would begin to take their own paths into the world of literature, and the wonders that surround it.
Alongside luck, and chance, my aspirations for the future go hand in hand with the choices I make both now, and in the years to come. The essence of our history, and the roots to our culture, literature truly is a miracle and a mystery in itself. As I grow older, I know the time to choose which path I take in life is growing nearer. And I will gladly meet that time with confidence. I know who I am, and what makes me what I am today. Writing is my passion, and my devotion to the future.

And I am glad to share it.
  • JoinedSeptember 19, 2012


Stories by Avaris Hycaathis
A Love Letter by Corthalius
A Love Letter
A love letter.
My Love for You by Corthalius
My Love for You
A first attempt at a love poem.