Hi! Welcome! 

Another Joint Account owned by @forever_styles and @MissHoranette. Yes, another one. Yes, we're losing track ourselves and in hindsight, this was a terrible idea! :D

-About Lana-

I'm Lana.
I'm Irish.
I love Niall Horan. Eternally.
I love cookies, trees and smurfs.
I'm a vegetarian.
I'm best known as @MissHoranette
I'm a tad crazy....

-About Ammarah-

Hey guys Ammie here! :D Okay erm just a quick overview, I love One Direction (Liam is mine just saying). As Lana said I love cookies, trees and smurfs! HOWEVER (oh big word) I am a ninja B) and an awesome one if I may add. Harry Potter, Starkid, Doctor Who and Union J are also my life. My personal account is @forever_styles. Thank you for stalking our profile and may the odds ever be in your favour!
  • Never You Mind
  • JoinedJune 10, 2013
