
Hi! I'm not sure what I am fully planning with this account, but I am still here. I am mainly working on Elite Academy since I am having a brain rot on it. Check it out if you are interested in kids with superpowers and all that! You can also comment your OC and I will add it ( first five will be more common! ). Anyways, I hope everyone is having a great day! I will be back soon!


@ComfortThoughts agahhasj youre fine, the real world is like 100 times more important than a wattpad story!! also you too <33


@bor3dtotears_ I'm so sorry! I've been busy, I got a job, started school again, and I'm trying to get my license. All my free time I've been sleeping-- But my editor for Elite Academy has returned which makes it easier to write and know what plans are! I hope you enjoy reading it, I know it's not much right now, but it is being worked on :) 
          	  Have a great day!


@ComfortThoughts omg i’ve been wanting to read elite academy but never did cause i was scared that it’d be like, really good but wouldn’t be updated lmfao- anyways, i guess this is my sign to finally read it and i’m glad you’re back!!


Hi! I'm not sure what I am fully planning with this account, but I am still here. I am mainly working on Elite Academy since I am having a brain rot on it. Check it out if you are interested in kids with superpowers and all that! You can also comment your OC and I will add it ( first five will be more common! ). Anyways, I hope everyone is having a great day! I will be back soon!


@ComfortThoughts agahhasj youre fine, the real world is like 100 times more important than a wattpad story!! also you too <33


@bor3dtotears_ I'm so sorry! I've been busy, I got a job, started school again, and I'm trying to get my license. All my free time I've been sleeping-- But my editor for Elite Academy has returned which makes it easier to write and know what plans are! I hope you enjoy reading it, I know it's not much right now, but it is being worked on :) 
            Have a great day!


@ComfortThoughts omg i’ve been wanting to read elite academy but never did cause i was scared that it’d be like, really good but wouldn’t be updated lmfao- anyways, i guess this is my sign to finally read it and i’m glad you’re back!!


i have been binge reading sunflower feelings , i love it your writing is so unique <3 
          take care of yourself and take as long as you need , i know how shitty things can get but i hope things turn out for the better !! /gen


Thank you! I’m sorry for not replying sooner! 


Hey - was I supposed to find out through the DSMP wiki that Tubbo's chat is voices in his head?
          Like... how Techno's chat is?
          That must be insanity for him, I-


            Okay but seriously, now I am more concerned for c!Tubbo's mental health, since I don't know how anyone could live like that,,
            Trauma and babying violent voices? That isn't a nice combo


@ComfortThoughts Imagine having thousands of voices in your head a third of them babying you and two thirds yelling at you to nuke everything


Dream Smp spoilers! From Tommy's latest stream, of course!
          These are just my thoughts on it all!
          1. They should have packed up more potions, and Tommy should have had his inventory a bit more cleared. When I say more potions, I mean mainly more invisibility. 
          2. He should have not drunk his fire resistance right away. He should have saved it for only while he was near lava. It would last longer, and most likely last for while he is in prison and exiting.
          3. Everything that happened was not remotely Ghostbur's fault, and his death really hurt. He sounded so pained when he spoke in the end. It genuinely hurt me. Ghostbur didn't deserve it.
          4. Tommy was incredibly idiotic to use Ghostbur. Genuinely, it annoys me. Like yes - Ghostbur is probably the only person who is allowed in the prison, but what about Ghostbur's safety? If Tommy spent so long thinking of a plan, how did he not foresee Ghostbur possibly getting resurrected? Tommy lead Ghostbur in there, without thinking of the consequences. That aspect is entirely on Tommy's shoulders. 
          4. Pulling the axe out too soon was so idiotic. I know, it was traumatizing and such, but easily, even if Sam didn't see the axe, Dream definitely did and would say something about it. Tommy wouldn't have been able to hit Dream regardless unless the blocks were down and he was inside of the cell entirely. He got too caught up with his anger and trauma. Tommy should have taken a bit more time to heal before arriving, and tried to hold it in until he was actually fully in the cell.


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5. Sam is only at fault for letting Ghostbur die. Sam can't allow Tommy over to Dream, obviously. If this was real life, would a prison guard allow some victim to see their abuser while the victim had a weapon? No. Also, Sam had no clue if Tommy *was* trying to kill Dream or not. For all Sam knew, Tommy could've been breaking Dream out.  Sam definitely should have brought the bridge back to Ghostbur. He had no excuse not to. If he kept Tommy next to him with a knife at his throat, he could have brought Ghostbur back. Also, Ghostbur had nothing on him, and we saw that due to the searches. He shouldn't have allowed Tommy back over, but he should've allowed Ghostbur back. Especially with the knowledge of the revival book, Sam should've done something.
            6. Sam should've heard Tommy's case. I think he should have heard him speak. Definitely not allow him near Dream, but instead of accusing him of freeing Dream, he should've heard the true intentions. 
            7. Dream reviving Ghostbur made sense. He finally had something to use to try to become free. That isn't anyone's fault but Tommy's for getting Ghostbur in the situation, and Sam's for not getting Ghostbur out of it. If you were in prison, and only wanted to escape, and you finally had a hostage to do so, wouldn't you try to take the chance? Dream would. That's expected. Especially since he's being abused by Quackity and Sam. Dream would want to escape, and now he had a possible way to do so. Unfortunately, his threats didn't work, so he still revived Ghostbur.
            8. Tommy being pissed at Ranboo made me mad. Yet again - I'm a Tubbo and Ranboo apologist, so like- He said Ranboo was being unempathetic? I mean, without Tommy telling the whole story, it's going to be hard to know how you feel. You only hear ' I was going to kill him ' ' Ghostbur is gone ' ' We got caught '. What does that make you think?
            9. Tommy should've explained the actual story, detail for detail. Honestly, he should've done it so people could understand.