
Hello to those who are following me still.  What can I say, it's been a long while since I've been here on the Pad of Watt.  To be honest, I'm not even sure my 41 followers are still's been THAT long!
          	But I'm here to make an announcement.  I've started a new book!  It's called A Story About Life.  I started it with the intention that I would write about my own story of anxiety and depression but I've just had this wonderful idea while I was in the shower (the best ideas always come to me there).  I want you to share your stories too!  Please check out the three parts I have posted and message me if you're interested in sharing your own story about mental illness.  As I mention in the beginning, stories are what really pulled me out of something scary and new.  Sometimes it helps to know that I'm not the only one going through something.  So, I guess I'm being a bit selfish in asking you to share your story but in the end, I really want you to know that you're not alone.
          	If you're interested, please check it out.  


Hello to those who are following me still.  What can I say, it's been a long while since I've been here on the Pad of Watt.  To be honest, I'm not even sure my 41 followers are still's been THAT long!
          But I'm here to make an announcement.  I've started a new book!  It's called A Story About Life.  I started it with the intention that I would write about my own story of anxiety and depression but I've just had this wonderful idea while I was in the shower (the best ideas always come to me there).  I want you to share your stories too!  Please check out the three parts I have posted and message me if you're interested in sharing your own story about mental illness.  As I mention in the beginning, stories are what really pulled me out of something scary and new.  Sometimes it helps to know that I'm not the only one going through something.  So, I guess I'm being a bit selfish in asking you to share your story but in the end, I really want you to know that you're not alone.
          If you're interested, please check it out.  