
Given that Wattpad is deleting private messages on the sixth, my Discord and Tumblr are both in my bio, if you want to contact me.


this message may be offensive
          Remember to sign petitions against KOSA!
          All of us are fucked if it gets passed!


this message may be offensive
            KOSA is the ‘Kids Online Safety Act’. It is meant to protect minors online, but it’ll actually just block them from accessing resources they need, as well as censoring stuff about the genocide in Palestine and LGBTQ+ content. It will also target fandoms (I know, right), so we are all literally fucked if it passes tomorrow (Mon, Feb 16).
            You don’t have to be in the US to sign any petitions, and you really should.


(Add on to my last post)
          Everyone who’s had sex with Nightmare getting asked what it was like:
          Horror: He’s a freak!
          Dust: He’s a monster!
          Blue: I’m never getting my dignity back.
          Ink: But he’s HOT!
          Killer: It was awesome!
          Cross: It’s clear he was inspired by his trauma.
          Lust: He said I overcharged him, but I made him pay for my therapy!
          Black: I was drunk, so I don’t remember a thing.
          Error: I had to make him stop because I was dizzy from blood loss!
          Fresh: After that, I needed a new host!
          Fell: He’s a shitty partner, and a shittier boss!
          Dream: Oh, are we talking about Nighty?
          Blue: Um, yeah. Well, not anymore.


As someone who just saw a stray kitten that recently died from heat exhaustion/dehydration, I have something to say:
          If you’re hot, they’re hot. Let them in. Give them water. Give them shade. If you can do anything for the strays in your neighborhood, do it.
          If you’re hot, they’re hot. Let them in.


@CntCntrlThsAlt my mom feeds them, idk about water but she does feed them
            and some of our neighbors do as well
            I think one of them gives water but I am not sure


            Set out food and water. If you do this for long enough, they may learn to like you. Or you can just keep track of how many strays are in your area, and wether or not they’re okay (ei. A stray who came almost daily suddenly disappears for multiple days, you may notice if they’re walking with a limp, etc)


@CntCntrlThsAlt but the strays in my area won't come in the house-


POV: You started a free porn game for shits and giggles but you’re genuinely invested in the plot


            You play a detective who’s solving murders, but the overarching plot is that there’s drugs, and you’re trying to find out/stop who’s distributing them.
            I just wanted to see tits, but now I’m invested, like wtf


what is it about tho