
Just a little psa I'm switching all my books to be labelled as mature. Most of them actually are pretty mild but after wattpad taking down one of my books I don't want to take the chance. Tbh Idk if it actually shows to readers that I've labelled it that way but I just wanted to say. For those of you who may be discouraged by that label I promise none of my books are very graphic and you can see a fully labelled warnings list in the first chapter of all my books. 


Just a little psa I'm switching all my books to be labelled as mature. Most of them actually are pretty mild but after wattpad taking down one of my books I don't want to take the chance. Tbh Idk if it actually shows to readers that I've labelled it that way but I just wanted to say. For those of you who may be discouraged by that label I promise none of my books are very graphic and you can see a fully labelled warnings list in the first chapter of all my books. 


Whenever someone adds my book to their reading list I can see it and omg some people have the most unhinged names for their lists omg...might have to change mine...


@CloudChannie  The fact that all your books are in one of my reading lists or the other makes me feel self conscious on the way I name my reading list :D


@CloudChannie now I want to change mine cause their basic
            But I like to keep things organized


Guys idk what to do cuz I came up with a way better plot for my book noodles but it feels too late to change it now.....


Thanks guys I'll have a think about it T-T ♡


@CloudChannie just... rewrite it? like make a whole new book and see if it goes better than the first version, and if yes just delete the first one later ‍♀️


@CloudChannie Make another book with that plot? |・ω・)


Honestly I still remember how much of a cultural reset God's menu was. Nothing can top that in my opinion 


@CloudChannie , yes... it was my first time listening to stray kids and kpop in general.


Sorry for forgetting to update the crown prince again yesterday hahahha im just super busy atm
          Since chapter 30 marks the end of part 1 of the story im going on a short break until may 24th.
          I hope you all understand ♡
          See you soon 


Guys why is animating so hard I'm never going to get good at it at this rate wahhhh T-T


Honestly debating on just going back to basic drawings cuz omg it's so difficult 


@CloudChannie i tried animating some time ago, and will never try again


Omg I'm so cringe I was looking back on some of my messages on here and I asked a pretty popular skz writer in 2020 if they prefer apples or oranges....
          God I want to bury myself in a ditch I'm so embarrassed the texts were so awkward
          I'm sorry to the person I did that too lol


@Skzs_gf don't even get me started on my old comments... T-T


@CloudChannie ur so real for this bc someone liked a comment I made in 2021 and I felt like burying myself alive<3


While I of course appreciate when someone reads my books whenever I see someone comment on some of my oldest ones I just get so embarrassed lmao 
          4 years I've been on this freaking app my writing style has changed so much hahaha


@CloudChannie well I hope they make you smile <3 