
I just posted a couple of chapters of an original story I wrote, An Unexpected Fairytale


Hello, people of the internet.  I wanted to ask a question.  
          To set up: I have a novel I've finished called Once Upon a Nightmare (about the Titanic). I eventually want to publish it, but I know it needs work because I started it a long time ago, and it was the first project I ever finished and rewrote.
          My question is: Have any of you ever gotten your work beta read?  Did you use a platform like Betareader IO or BetaBooks?  Or did you send out Google Doc links?  Or some other way?


Hello, weird to see that it's been over a year since I posted a message here... 
          I want to know if you would prefer that I post another of my Pride and Prejudice fanfics or one of my I Wish You Were Mine..?  
          I have a few of each.  And I also have some from this old 80s TV show, Hotel... but most of them are really short... Let me know.