
Hello All,
          	So it has been FOREVER x INFINITY since I posted on Wattpad. I don't really have a good excuse, other than I got busy. I am now a new mom of a 7-month-old, and life has been significantly busier. When I get a free moment, as you can imagine, all I want to do is sleep. 
          	But today, I found a few minutes to hop online and post my next chapter of Fury Born. So, if you still care, check it out lol.
          	~ CD Taylor


Hello All,
          So it has been FOREVER x INFINITY since I posted on Wattpad. I don't really have a good excuse, other than I got busy. I am now a new mom of a 7-month-old, and life has been significantly busier. When I get a free moment, as you can imagine, all I want to do is sleep. 
          But today, I found a few minutes to hop online and post my next chapter of Fury Born. So, if you still care, check it out lol.
          ~ CD Taylor


Hi Reader Fam,
          Chapter 7 has just gone up of Fury Born! I'd love to see some comments/concerns/votes. What do you think of the characters so far? I'm trying to work on better character development. 
          I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading and following and commenting and voting, and all that stuff. 
          ~ CD Taylor


Hi Reader Fam,
          I just wanted to share a sneak peak of the next chapter of "Fury Born":
          “We Elyte’s have kept our distance for years. You will not accuse us of anything without any proof! And since I ‘assume’ you have none, you will leave, show them out,” he yelled. Lord Ephraim kept his unkind eyes fixed on Zorin’s, and they seemed to be entranced in an everlasting staring battle. He noticed that Zorin was searching for words.
          “Choose your words carefully young Prince.  You are a prince, but you are not a prince among us. The moment you entered those gates you became lower than scum!” he spat at them.  A few Elyte soldiers surrounded them to show them the way out.  The Dragien men continued to follow their Prince’s lead, as they had been told to.  And Zorin stood his ground. All was silent for some time, and the atmosphere was thick with tension. An Elyte soldier then grabbed Ishmael’s arm, and Ishmael quickly discarded it, giving the Elyte a threatening glare. The Elytes began to close in closer around them.


          I have just updated my story! I decided to shorten "Havoc Arises" and "Memory from the Past", and take some of that content and put it into a different chapter: "The Missing King". I tend to make my chapters on the longer side, and I'm trying to work on that. 
          Any way, the actual new chapter with new content is Ch. 6 - The Stone City of Asenoth. In this chapter you learn who these people are that live in the great stone city.
          I hope you enjoy!
          CD Taylor