

Hey poodlesarus,I just read ur post on introverts,and I kind of agree with alot of what ur quoted source was saying about introverts,may I know what was the original source material or post u were referring to so I may read it?
          I mean if u look at it from a psychological and observational standpoint,alot of what he said is true or make sense.... intrinsically I would probably consider myself an introvert for most of my adult the past ten years and teenage life......
          although I didn't actively or conciously thought myself or identify myself as that u know,like I don't go about thinking about it essence I just was probably one... although nowadays it seems that so many people and the existing trend nowadays to claim to be an introvert it's hard to know what actually the public or common definition of introvert means.
          U can make the argument that extroverts can be selfish too,which is kind of a moot point,yes of course there are exceptions to every rule or class and we are all humans,we can vary widely on different characteristics and traits and range and spectrum....but here we are looking at what range and spectrum on what characteristics or traits introverts tend to lean towards to Vs others.
          I kind of agree with alot of what David says and probably more he didn't say,from introspection and self reflection and from others....the things like living in a fantasy world and thinking they are smarter and better than everyone that's why they choose not to....
          I think ultimately what is important is not whether "David" is right or wrong or is he bashing others but that regardless of whether u feel something might have negative or positive connotations we should strive to understand ourselves 
          better and also externalities.there is knowledge even in understanding the bad and the wicked.
          Kinda running out of space email is if u decide to case I forget to check back on this site.


I just read your wattpad guide and it helped me so much! I did not only give me motivation but inspiration too and I feel so prepared (?) now. Thank you so much for creating/uploading it :)


@locallena Hi, I’m sorry this reply is so late, I don’t check Wattpad as often these days
            But I appreciate your words, and I’m really glad that the guide helped you and gave you motivation! Thank you for reading it


Hey... Just read Writer's guide to Wattpad, before reading it I felt really shitty. It really helped me unwind and helped me let out some of the frustration I have. Thanks for such an insightful book! :)


I’m really glad you liked it! Writing it definitely let out some of my frustration too sometimes lol, but I haven’t updated in a while. I should write another chapter soon :) 
            Hope you have a good day!


I'm literally in love with your book " writer's guide to Wattpad." I read it whenever I'm experiencing writer's block and let me tell you it's so helpful. I'm so thankful to you for writing such amazing tips. 
          Lots of love,


Thank you so much! Sorry for the late response as I don’t spent as much time on here as I used to but I really appreciate messages like this


Hi! I really liked your guide to a good story! I was wondering, do you think tenses can set a mood (or tone) to the story? Like past tenses making it look more mature from the narrators point of view and etc. Any thoughts on this would be really helpful! Thank you xx


@fangirlinz Hey! I do personally. I think it's because present tense implies that the character is still "in the moment" while past tense makes it seems like the character is older and looking back/reflecting on past experiences. So you're right, past tenses in a way do make it look more mature.


between shades of grey is such a good book!! have you read salt to the sea?


it's a ww2 historical fiction (like between shades of grey) but it's about lina's cousin, joana. it's more action-packed compared to bsog and it's written from four points of view. i highly recommend it!


@thelollipopkid No I haven't! I really want to though, how is it?