
Sorry my readers seems like i cannot continue all this unfinished book book because of problems and my account in this, is sutting down but i will come back someday if i have some chance on getting a new charger for this laptopvthat i use of writing, and yes the reason why i cannot continue is because i broke the two carger of two laptops. Im very sorry and goodbye my lovelys.


Sorry my readers seems like i cannot continue all this unfinished book book because of problems and my account in this, is sutting down but i will come back someday if i have some chance on getting a new charger for this laptopvthat i use of writing, and yes the reason why i cannot continue is because i broke the two carger of two laptops. Im very sorry and goodbye my lovelys.


Hi Yori! (Don't ask why I'm awake) If you check, I am starting to write a BBB/BOEL x Reader book. Just here to ask for a few writing tips if ya have any 


@thatgalacticsimp2008 And also do not wake up to that godly hour


@thatgalacticsimp2008  But honestly i'm 'Fresh' out of ideas sorry ):
            But i will send some Tips if my brain is full of idea


Same we are I'm starting to create a reaction his past self and my mind started overthinking about the study of my exam then reading, memorize my head start dizzy then I have no breaks on my exam memorize about to answer in November 28 our final exam I was too nervous and feels like my heart beating fast on what my score on test. 
          1st year of college


Hello everyone.
          Sorry for not posting some new pages because i was very busy from my study
          and...well everytime its friday we get to an summative test so literarly no break from my brain because i have to remember for the every friday test and i cannot foccus,my mind is dizzy and it cause me to fell into a cold.
          It was a very bad cold,i cannot get up,fall asleep because of some nightmare were i was falling through endless hole,can't eat properly and vomit the food.
          I'm very sorry my lovely cutties about but i will promise to catch up,i'm still very busy of my studies and thank you for the votes at the reactions of boboiboy's gang and Y/n,and from my beautiful flower.
          I hope you enjoy it.
          And I'm still a Grade 7 first year high school.
          The Writer out.


Hello i'm the author lil sis and i'm using her account right now and please do not be mistaken that she recovered she is still and the hospital laying in bed.....i do hope that she will recover soon...... i really miss it when where a story together.....
            She told me once that i can use her a count sometimes in wattpad to read some stories if i want when she's busy studying.....