
I would like to encourage all my readers to please give me your feedback on the conversation page or comments section especially with the removal of direct messages. Your feedback matters a great deal. 


Unfortunately, I shall be un-publishing ‘Basmah’s Perdition’ for I lack the motivation and the vision for the book hence the reason why I haven’t been updating it. Hopefully, I’ll write a book that can make up for the readers of ‘Basmah’s Perdition’. 
          Much love.


Hey guys! I’m not one to do this, in fact I’ve never thought about doing this but here I am. I’m thankful for your support and constructive criticism. I appreciate it and it helps me improve the books. I’ll try to update as soon as I can, love you \^^/


“Who’s that guy? The chubby dark one with the white shirt.” I look up at him. “That’s rhino, he’s a friend of mine. What happened?” 
          “He’s the one that was mocking me yesterday. You’re really friends?” He nods, staring at him. “Why do you call him rhi..?” I trail off, smiling. “Don’t tell me it’s because he’s…”. I burst out laughing and he joins me. 
          “You’re cruel.” I try to stop myself from laughing so my tummy doesn’t hurt. “It started when we were kids and it just stuck.” 
          “It’s creative though.” I glance at him as I find him looking at me. “You look good.” He compliments making me roll my eyes. “You don’t have to make it up to me like this.” 
          “You do look good, not great, not beautiful but good.” He jokes making me chuckle. “You’re saying I look good and bad at the same time?” 
          “Pretty much sums it up.” I chuckle, sucking my teeth. “You’re walking on dangerous waters, Falah Nadeem.” 
          DECEPTION IS OUT NOW! ;)


Hey, guys. After positive feedback on the question I asked in one of my books, I have finally released ‘DECEPTION’. It is pretty different from the rest of the books I’ve written but your feedback can only confirm. Can’t wait to get your take on it lovelies
