
Hey guys! 
          	I'm still alive and kicking! Sorry for the long break, but the internet and computer is down at my house, so I don't get a lot of time to be online. Also, Roll the Dice is going to stay on hiatus for a long while, but I promise you, I WILL FINISH IT EVENTUALLY!
          	Anyways, I love all 76 of my fans who have stuck with me through this internet issue. Thanks guys!
          	~ C.P


Hey guys! 
          I'm still alive and kicking! Sorry for the long break, but the internet and computer is down at my house, so I don't get a lot of time to be online. Also, Roll the Dice is going to stay on hiatus for a long while, but I promise you, I WILL FINISH IT EVENTUALLY!
          Anyways, I love all 76 of my fans who have stuck with me through this internet issue. Thanks guys!
          ~ C.P


Good morning Starshine, the Earth says: 'Hello!'~
          I'm still here and active, but I'm also busy with summer and all that, so my updates are pretty scattered. Also, I am not going to do a lemon in Roll The Dice, although the last chapter came pretty damn close. 