
I've been away for some time but I'm back now. 
          	I know wattpad offers this already where people  can go. Into these groups and talk. However  I'm thinking about making a server on Discord to allow those without a way to go  into those community places to still be apart of a wattpad  community I still need to see if it would be okay with Wattpad to do this but if they say okay how many of you would actually  like to be part of this?


I've been away for some time but I'm back now. 
          I know wattpad offers this already where people  can go. Into these groups and talk. However  I'm thinking about making a server on Discord to allow those without a way to go  into those community places to still be apart of a wattpad  community I still need to see if it would be okay with Wattpad to do this but if they say okay how many of you would actually  like to be part of this?


I unfortunately took some time away from writing after the passing of my mother. Im just now getting to the point where I can write again. And so I made a choice about five minutes ago.  I am going to start all over. I cant seem to get into my old works so I removed them. I will be working on some new works.


I have been writing for a while and I come to find that no matter how many times I come back to my work I always find something to fix,  Feel the need to add to or change parts of the story. Only to learn that when it comes to writing your never truly finished. Their always ways to improve.


rewrote Chapter 6 of Falling for a Slayer GxG
          Please note that I took off all other chapters to this story while I am re writing them. I didn't like how It went after chapter 6 which is why I'm redoing it. I took a year off of the story and so now I see all my mistakes and the fact that I ruined it before I ever really started writing it which is why I'm coming back and making it better in my own vision.