
Hey guys, just want to let you know that a friend of mine has started writing a story of his own. It’s called Riders of the Storm and it’d mean a great deal if some of you would go over and show your support to his work. He’s helped me a great deal in helping me not only edit, but also make sure that my stories flow smoothly from one arc to the next. So yeah, it’d mean a great deal if you could and show some support, I’ve read some of the notes he’s got on future plans for the story and I tell you what, it’s gonna be pretty epic imo.


His profile name is Carrots666, should have put that in their to start things off, but it’s here now.


Are there any differences between the injustice stories on here rather then FanFiction.Net?


@TrevorPoston Not really. In the early chapters, Wattpad is better edited, I haven’t really bothered going round and updating on FF. But from about the Deathstroke arc onwards, there’s no difference.


          I fell in love with your injustice series, but when I saw the time stamp of the last update I was wondering if you’re still going to update the series?


@Rodacx I’m glad you’re enjoying it, personally it is my favourite story to write purely because of how ambitious I have become with it and the story arcs that I know are to come. As for updating, don’t worry, I’m still going on with it. You see, I post on not just Wattpad but also FanFiction. Bigger chapters gain more traction on there, whereas smaller chapters gain more traction in this website. As a result of that, I tend to update chapter by chapter on FanFiction, because there’s more to read. Whereas on Wattpad, I wait till an entire arc is completed, then post the entire arc en mass on here. So that way, you don’t have to wait for weeks for a follow up, rather can read the next arc from start to finish without interruption. Though for longer arcs, I’ll probably split it in half.


I love your injustice series it is so detailed and all the universes are perfectly tied together


@PrinceZekken I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far. Personally, Injustice is by far not only my most ambitious fic, but it's also the one I enjoy writing the most. It's still a long way off from completion so plenty of exciting stuff still to come. We're only 2/10 books in and 8/41 arcs into the complete story. The final arc actually ending on a sort of cliffhanger that could lead to an eventual spin-off depending on if I'm still around by that point.


Hey guys, just want to let you know that a friend of mine has started writing a story of his own. It’s called Riders of the Storm and it’d mean a great deal if some of you would go over and show your support to his work. He’s helped me a great deal in helping me not only edit, but also make sure that my stories flow smoothly from one arc to the next. So yeah, it’d mean a great deal if you could and show some support, I’ve read some of the notes he’s got on future plans for the story and I tell you what, it’s gonna be pretty epic imo.


His profile name is Carrots666, should have put that in their to start things off, but it’s here now.


So just want to let you know, my Injustice stories are being continually uploaded on my FanFiction page. I will probably update on here again once the 2nd book is done and upload all the additional chapters in mass. But there's already another chapter up on Injustice Book 2 uploaded which deals with the entire Inustice League episode.