
Hi everyone! The kickstarter is now LIVE!!! Here is the link. Any support is extremely appreciated. Thank you all sooo much! 
          	I would greatly appreciate it if you could help spread the word too!
          	With love,


Hey, was wondering if you still do those collections with the other author. I’ve been looking for one of them for awhile now and haven’t been able to remember what or who the name was. I’ve been a huge fan of both your and there works for a very long while. Since the first one I read. Hope you are doing well. 


@moonlight1904 it was deleted by the other author. Guns and Roses.


Hi dear. How are you doing? I don't know if you are still active here or not. Long ago I read a story of yours which I guess was called stigma. I really liked it. recently I suddenly remembered that story but couldn't find it anywhere. I guess it was deleted. By any chance is it possible to read that story again. It has a special place in my heart. You know it was a light in my dark times.


What is the sequence of world of ashes ??


@yukinachan4 well i have just started with Excalibur and I am liking it so far!!


@yukinachan4 hi! Thanks for reading the world from ashes. Gosh that one is so old, I'm a little embarrassed.... in any case the order is:
            Holy Grail


@yukinachan4 and where does EXCALIBUR falls in that sequence??


Hi everyone!! This is VERY IMPORTANT! 
          This announcement is very important to me. I am so excited about this. My novel, Young King Arthur and the Round Table Knights, is being adapted into a manga. In order to do this, I needed a bit of extra help so I started a Kickstarter. That kickstarter is about to be live! 
          It would mean the WORLD to me if you guys could help me spread the word about it. You do not have to back it (but if you do... omg thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!) But I would greatly, greatly! appreciate if you could share the kickstarter anywhere you can. 
          Here is the link to the pre-launch page:
          Thank you again sooo much everyone! I love you all! <3


@needscokeandbooks Thank you soo much!!! I really appreciate it ^.^


@CaraAisling OH MY GOD CONGRATSSS !!! I've been a long-time fan of your works and absolutely adore all of them can't want to see the mangas. much love <3


@RoyalynDixon thank you so much!! Me too. It's going to be amazing!!


Hi everyone! I'm writing to inform you of something very important. 
          This hasn't happened before till now, but I've gotten a comment with a really sketchy link on Vicarious. Please do not click ANY links that are suspicious. Especially links that go out of wattpad. 
          I've asked them to remove it. If you, my dear readers, find any suspicious links in the comments of my books, please simply report it or let me know and I'll take care of it. 
          Thank you! 


@Mousewriter88 yeah, no worries! Just report them straight away. Looks like watty is taking care of it so thankfully those accounts shouldn't last too long. ^.^ take care!


@CaraAisling This has just happened in one of my books as well! Thank you for letting us know!


@CaraAisling EDIT: the comment is on Holy Grail, my apologies. In any case. Be careful. Thank you all! Much love ^.^ ❤️ 


Hello, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you were the author of a book called "the blade dancer". I have been looking for it for a while now and haven't found it, If you aren't the author I'm sorry, your profile came to mind when I thought about that book so yh, good day.


@moodiluv Hi! Oh my I'm so sorry I didn't see this till now! Unfortunately I am not the author. I do hope you find them ^.^ Have a good day!


Hi everyone! This is an important change. I've updated my pen name to reflect something that is more me. Years ago, when I chose the name Siryn Sueng, it was simply because I liked how it sounded. In addition, I was looking to quickly leave my old pen name behind as it tied me to a publisher I no longer wanted to be associated with. In short, I should have thought over it better, but I failed to.
          Looking at it now, though, it was a horrible decision. I've come to realize -hopefully not too late- that the name needed to be changed. Especially since the name was representative of an ethnicity of which I am not. It was rude, and insincere - none of which I ever intended. I sincerely apologize if I might have offended anyone.
          The new pen name is reflective of my own Irish heritage and is more "me" than before. From here, I look forward to writing as Cara. 


@BlueCheckeredDemon Hi!!! Sorry for my delay ^.^ I can't say 100%, but in light of events and such within the publishing realm, it's... more deceitful than rude - but it could be both those things too.
            Unfortunately, 0publishing companies and the like are predominately run by white people and the majority of published people are white. Though I'm sure many are very open and accepting, there is an equal or even larger amount that are not so open. It is difficult for other ethnic groups to get into the publishing scene and - for one instance that I read about and followed for a while as it happened - some of those writers are subjected to white-washing (as in characters of color/other ethnicities are forced into being made 'white' instead.) It's unfair and it's wrong. 
            To avoid any kind of disrespect or unintentional possibility of hurting someone else in anyway, I decided to change my name. I want people to know that I respect them and the best way to do that is to leave my old pen name behind for someone far more suitable and to take one that is better representative of me. 
            Thank you for asking! And I do hope this has helped ^.^ There are still issues and problems within the publishing realm that need to be fixed, but I hope that my decision is helpful in some way and that in the future, everyone is accepted for who they are without issue ^.^


@CaraAisling Awesome dude! Still, I must ask, is it rude to use a pen name that's not representative of your race? Or is it more that it feels deceitful to others? I feel like as long as you're not galavanting and ruining people's lives while acting as if you were the ethnicity of your pen name, there's barely any harm or foul.  This is in no disrespect to you or your decision, just honest curiosity. 


          Oh my goodness everyone! I am sooo surprised and sooo excited! My novel Young King Arthur and the Round Table Knights is in the running for Best Queer YKA novel of 2021! 
          It would mean the world to me if you could jump on over to the site and vote for me. (And any other books you may have read or heard of!) I love you all sooo much! Thank you! Here are the links!
          Link to vote:
          Link to Twitter announcement with more details:
          (if these links don't work, you can try copy/paste. I'll also post the links in a comment below!)


@SirynSueng CONGRATS ,sorry i'm late on it


Links again in case the first time doesn't work!
            Link to vote:
            Link to Twitter announcement with more details: