
Hey everyone I just posted Chapter 1 of Sea of Hearts hopefully everyone enjoys it. The new Chapters will hopefully be posted later this week. Now remember Sea of Hearts is not the same book as the one you have read before everything is completely different so I don't suggest reading chapters ahead because your not going to understand it


Hey everyone I just posted Chapter 1 of Sea of Hearts hopefully everyone enjoys it. The new Chapters will hopefully be posted later this week. Now remember Sea of Hearts is not the same book as the one you have read before everything is completely different so I don't suggest reading chapters ahead because your not going to understand it


Hai guys so I am at a bit of a standstill with Confessions I know your probably waiting on the next chapter which I have ready to go but its needs some editing and my partner who usually does the editing is at school. So I hope you guys can remain patient for me thank you so much


So I received a lot of messages from my readers asking for Sea Of Hearts. Well I have republished but you have to be patient with me because I been dealing with some writers block on both Confessions and Sea Of Hearts (SOH). Also SOH will be in the editing process so bear with me. I am so flattered that you all loved SOH I was doubting myself for awhile. So I hope you enjoy Sea Of Hearts and Confessions and thank you again for put patience.


Did you take down Sea of Hearts bc I can't find it and I really lived it 


@JehvonMosemotto Oh yeah I did I was getting writers block on it and I want to edit it before I put it back up. I am working on Confessions of The Heart series but I can republish Sea of Hearts. But you have to be patient with the updates after the latest chapter. Because my writers block is extreme right lol 