
Damn trauma really does stick with you. It was middle school but even one little thing triggers all those memories and open the floodgates you didn't want opened.


ayo it's you! (ง ͡ಥ ᴗ ͡ಥ)ง


@frenchjesus I'm super busy with work, classes, and health issues but I try to check in on everybody ever so often


@Bubble_Tea_ADHD i might got the wrong account, but i was looking through my following/follower lists to see if the people i use to talk to were still active.


Throwback to when I had loads of friends I talked to daily here and therefore had a reason to log in more than every few months


@Bubble_Tea_ADHD me too.  Love reading your posts.  Don't get a lot of time to reply to things at moment.  Am always here though.


if you’d like to keep chatting i’d be down!!


WARNING:: TUA spoilers
          my opinions on the Hargreeves at the end of season 3
          Luther: He needs a better character...everything and to stop pulling the Alabama BS (Not one "sister" but two! There are other females in the world, you ape!)
          Diego: He and Lila deserve to settle down and have lil assassin babies
          Allison: I felt so bad for her about her husband and Claire but what she did to Harlan is unforgivable. She basically killed her brother's child, in cold blood.
          Klaus: 10/10, hilarious gay chaos man
          Five: really really deserves to retire and someone needs to make him do some legitimate self care
          Ben: something big is gonna happen involving him specifically I think 
          Viktor: precious baby cinnamon roll. That is all


TW//Self unaliving and SH
          Hearing my mom talk about how much she cares when a student is googling Suicide/Self harm (She gets notified when a student of hers trips the filter) made me want to laugh because her own child spent hours locked in their room planning ways to take their lives and riddling her body with scars. My mother found out via my middle school counselor because a friend saw how bad things had gotten and realized if they didn't tell someone, I would not have been alive for much longer.


You know, even though I'm part of me is reasonably sad that Drew is going to ISU while I'm in Illinois, the other part is glad he got out of that  cramped little house and away from his mother's poisonous daily comments. He admitted that his mental health has improved since moving and it lifted a weight of my shoulders that I wasn't even aware of.


PSA for all girls!!
          Your insecurities are still valid even if you're what society catagorizes as "skinny"!!
          Tummy pouch not your favorite? That's perfectly okay!
          Don't like the imperfections of your curves? That's totally alright! 
          You don't deserve to be berated or shut down for speaking out in what you were lead to believe is a safe space!!!
          (backstory: I work with all {older} females and I have to bite my tongue during the daily "whining about our bodies" session because I get snide remarks as a response if I say anything. I'm just now learning how to accept and love myself phyically and this is causing me to go backwards in my progress)


Reminder that the surface is just that: what's on the outside does not always reflect what's real.
          The guy who is always calm, and stoic, even when the girl he loves passed out onto him in the hallway at school, overthinks every single word he says and actions he takes, fearing judgment and ridicule from the people around him. When in crisis, he shows he cares in a way that a lot of people think he shouldn't; what they see as unhealthy indifference, his loved one knows is him saving his freaking out until he's sure I'm not dying/in serious danger and ensuring that I do what's needed and don't freak out and worsen my current state.