
I’ve noticed some serious spacing issues in Wrong Turn, Right Path and will be working on fixing those. When you get notifications of changes that’s all it is. The story will remain the same. Thanks for your support and patience 


@BrycelynnTaylor Loved your books, so well written 


Loved reading your books. You have a real knack of drawing the reader into the story. I didnt want to put my phone down as i felt i had to keep going till the end.. Look forward to anymore books you write.. Are there any more in the pipeline? I love it when you find an author that you enjoy and then read all their books.
          Much loves debbie. ✌


Hello Debbie! I’m so glad you enjoyed my books! I do have more books in the pipeline. I don’t post them until they are done so please be patient with me 


I love your stories you were amazing especially wrong turn right and something like that I really really love the plot everything the twins and all it was an amazing story but finding home is not the head is not finished because you did not finish the there is something missing like her how her ex should have felt bad something which the plot is not done


@FadimatuXarahu but karma has to catch up with them because they betrayed her and life should give her a second chance to happiness like having her own children in fiction anything is possible 


All my books exist in the same universe and there is a chance for future cross overs so her story may not be done. But for now her ex doesn’t feel he did anything wrong. Willow needed to find peace within herself. Sometimes one of the hardest things we need to do is learn to accept the apology that is never given.