
I love your writings❤️. I should've known is one of the best fanfiction I've ever read!?!!. But there's I teeny tiny bit of trouble, it's not COMPLETED. I've been dying to know what happens next. You've left us on a cliffhanger and I would LOVE to know what happens next. Please update soon. Many of your fans including me are waiting.... please update.


I started reading I Should’ve Known and I was moved. It’s actually really touching and emotional but I wish you’d complete it. I haven’t finished it 1. Because it’s a cliffhanger and I don’t do well in cliffhangers and 2. Cuz Zayn well u know what he does i don’t wanna spoil it here. And well I couldn’t take it cuz I can’t bear them doing that to themselves so I’m sorry but I’d love for u to complete it and i definitely read the rest even if it kills me