
Hi! I was just wondering if you were done writing The Virus? I started reading it when you first posted it and loved it, so every once in a while I come back and check if it has been updated. It has been a few years... So I was wondering if I should give up on expecting an update? I know you only write when you feel like it so i am thinking you probably just stopped wanting to write the story. I would love to know.


I might finish it one day but as of right now, you might as well just say that it’s one hold - until further notice…possibly indefinitely.


I'm assuming you don't come on here anymore but if you do, I really love Nova and your Star Wars series! It's been months since you've updated but I just caught up and am on the edge of me seat! One of my favorite characters and star wars fan fictions on the app/website!!


@jc_girly Yeah, I really like the Nova series..


@jc_girly i still come on here at least once a week. I've been working on chapter 12 of the second book, it's almost done. However, I'm not quite sure how to go about it. Like I have this picture in my head on how I want the story to go but writing it down down to each conversation, each sentence, each word is a little hard. When I started writing the story, I wouldn't really think about what I was writing, I just did it. So, to cut things short, just a case of writers block.