
I do realize that I'm posting my work highly unedited by anyone, its it however a first work for me, so I'm editing as I go and learning more and more everyday. Some of the sentences may include punctuational, and grammatical errors, I'm new to the whole editing and writing aspects of the app. I appreciate and welcome all suggestions and tips, for I cannot become any better than what I've learned. Thank you for your continued audience.


I do realize that I'm posting my work highly unedited by anyone, its it however a first work for me, so I'm editing as I go and learning more and more everyday. Some of the sentences may include punctuational, and grammatical errors, I'm new to the whole editing and writing aspects of the app. I appreciate and welcome all suggestions and tips, for I cannot become any better than what I've learned. Thank you for your continued audience.


Hey y’all, I know I don’t have many following me, I apologize for not putting out anymore chapters, I’m having a hard time mentally at the moment, along with a couple things keeping me from getting to work on this piece. I appreciate you taking the time to read, I apologize that it’s not put together very well either, I am however learning as I go while reading everyone’s works as well. Thank you for taking your time and being patient. You’re amazing