
There has been some ranks changes, please check to see if you have been moved.


@BloodclawPack @Deveritus His very presence was a bad omen, the power he radiated was able to drive discomfort into the heart of even the most seasoned of fighters. Speaking of which, that was who Jonas was after. After ascending in power so far, Jonas became far more aware, and he could tell there was an individual of power within this pack territory. Jonas wondered what such a figure with that much strength would be doing within a pack territory--he should be above such petty matters. He was not as strong as Jonas--Jonas was a god, he thought--but still, he was above pack activity. He was not a werewolf, nor was Jonas, so what could possibly have driven this individual of power to integrate himself into the pack? Jonas would never understand. Perhaps he would ask the male. Either way, Jonas needed to get rid of him, and Jonas would not lose any sleep at all if he didn't get to find out the male's reasoning. It obviously wasn't to get stronger, and Jonas knew that this would be a simple execution. He would have caught the male off guard, and because of Jonas' newfound strength, that was a fatal fact.
          Jonas was a nineteen year old boy with bright orange hair, a light complexion and dark green eyes. 


            [I'm sorry dear, I must step in and object to that. If your Alpha wished to save the pack, he could have moved the fight somewhere else. But he didn't. And you lot did nothing to aid your Alpha, either, or even state that you fled when you had plenty of chance to, so I have to agree with your enemy on this. You're all dead. Even your Alpha had said so in his last post.]


@BloodclawPack {How convenient. A party that was not announced, and suddenly everyone except for your mate has gone to it. I smell bull. But, either way, the pack is now gone.}


@BloodclawPack @EvelySoul @Brunette_Taragaryen @Twin_Chaos @RedRose117 @-Cobalt- @KatAmore @BigGirlsNeverCry @AshleyDighton @Abistarr95 @109Fraw_xX @_Lone-wolf_ @AoMatrix @-GoodGirls_BadBoys- (and anyone else who is here, I don't care enough to look) Even those that weren't present in the battle, if they were residing within the pack--sleeping in their room, hanging out in any of the territory, somehere within the pack building, anywhere--they too would face obliteration just the same from the blast.


The meeting will have to be moved to Friday November 20th at 7pm Thanks. ~Alpha Mystery


this message may be offensive
(( oh would you fuck off chase @tacticalwarfare ))


(No lol I got the Kenny part)


@tacticalwarfare (( ok then here I know this will spark a memory, Christmas))


@tacticalwarfare (( XD do you really not remember who Kenny used to be))


"a man walks in wearing a bright green T-shirt and black pants he appears to be average height with very defined muscles which outlines could be seen through his shirt on his left side would be a purple hilted katana"
          Hey anyone hear im looking most likely for your most powerful inhabitant I am not sure what their name is though  they fought a few guys maybe a week ago or so?


@TacticalWarfare "Give me some time," he replied with simply. "I'll be ready in a couple of days; specifically the day after tomorrow. We've got a meeting tomorrow that I do not want to miss or be late for."


"he thinks for a second
            good point'.... shall we be off than?


@TacticalWarfare "I'd prefer to work with untrained, or undertrained, powers in a remote place for the sake of the safety of those here. In a remote location, if anything goes wrong, the only ones actually at risk are me and yourself. I'd rather not risk lives unnecessarily."


The Veteran knew exactly what was going on, but he wouldn't speak a word of it, nor make another sound. Rather, he simply cast his metaphysical existence out to survey the situation, to silently stalk the two of them. He saw what was going on, and he decided he might pay them a little visit, once they left. Part of it was a slight protectiveness, however the other part was just simply a killer's instinct.